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Sims 4/Mods/Wicked/2 files from WW and no other folders Make sure both boxes are checked in EA game settings, Enable Mods & Enable Scripts Delete the localthumbcache.package file in your Sims 4 folder. However, the Wicked Whims Mod comes with more than just these features, it also comes with an ATTRACTIVENESS feature! If there's a sim that fits your sims' check-list, the sim will now be attracted to specific types of sims (body type, hair type, skin color, etc)! This mod comes with ovulation and period cycles too, along with STDs! How to download wicked woohoo sims 4 mac.

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Supported game versions: 1.64.84, 1.65.77, 1.66.139 Looking for the Legacy Edition version? WickedWhims v158d September 4th 2020 Update Patch Notes.

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